Monday, 19 December 2011

Almost peace

There's such a sense of newness when creating a blog. It's almost like making a baby. Well without the getting naked, fucking someone and having someone in my body for 9 months part.
I had intended to write about something else but my mind is taking a different course I see. I guess even when I want to graze on the ground where the grass has finished (yes I am a goat -_-) my legs know better and take me to comparatively fresher grounds.
I have been persistently staring at my cell, attempting telepathy at an extremely pathetic level (since it isn't working) and feeling like a ball of cotton.
I am assuming they feel weightless, senseless and blocked.
There's also a mild possibility that I am losing my sanity. I am hearing my mobile make imaginary noises. I hate myself like this. And all over a guy.
What's even more ridiculous is that the novelty of sorrow never wears off! It's the same feeling but every time it's like you have never experienced sadness before. I refuse to believe that the sadness bar started out low and is raised everytime. I think it's more along the lines that our memories erase sadness the minute they can..
I am happy to be rambling to an imaginary audience. It feels....almost peaceful.
I think I'd like to be back here again, writing things out on a pretty page.

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